Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 13
Love is kind, even when others are not. It is compassionate, generous and caring. Love embraces those we think do not merit being loved. Love joyfully celebrates the blessings of others. To love is to want the best for others, even at our own loss or sacrifice. Love does not seek to promote itself but promotes others. Love moves about its business of loving quietly except to speak well of others.
Love keeps no ledger of who has done them wrong. It is well-mannered, courteous, kind and caring. It yields to others, even when it could make the point that it is right. It chooses to care instead of winning. It acknowledges its failures and readily forgives as quickly as it seeks forgiveness. Love celebrates what is true, right and good.
Love speaks the truth with grace and compassion. Love is resilient and believes in others. It is trusting and caring. Love says “you can make it.” Love endures even in the midst of disappointments. Love demands the best for us and from us. It does not compromise; love holds us accountable without holding us hostage to our failures. Love challenges us to be more than we are to become what we are purposed to be.
Love is ever optimistic and ever confident that no situation or circumstance is greater than itself—love. It thoughtfully builds others up and not tear them down. Love choses to protect instead of expose vulnerabilities in others. Love holds expectations of others that even when they have failed and are counted out, they can and will survive, thrive and succeed. Love encourages the fallen to get up again.
True love, agape love says, “I love you and nothing can ever change that.”
Lesson to Remember: If you want to be truly loved, be truly lovable.
“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”—Ephesians 4:32