Liberating Worship (11/8/2017)

Scripture Reading: Joshua 7:10-21

“Now Joshua said to Achan, ‘My son, I beg you, give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession to Him, and tell me now what you have done; do not hide it from me.’”—Joshua 7:19

The Israelites had suffered their first defeat in battle to an underwhelming enemy, Ai. It wasn’t an issue of underestimating their enemy, a lack of training, bad tactics or poor equipment. It was a matter of sin. Despite the warnings for Israel not to take any of the accursed things from the Jericho campaign (Joshua 6:18-19), Achan stole an article of clothing, silver and gold and hid the goods in his tent.

When Achan was identified as the guilty party, Joshua called for him to “give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession to Him.” Standing before the entire community, Achan confessed his sin, recognizing that difficult experience was the only way to be liberated from the burden of sin.

The initial and most critical aspect of worship is to maintain our credibility with God by confessing our sin. When we allow unconfessed sin to linger in our lives, the burden of guilt and shame impedes our relationship with God. Achan had to carry the extra weight of the stolen gold and silver whenever the Israelites moved. He had to carry the emotional baggage of his silent sin hidden not only in his tent, but hidden even deeper in his heart. Likewise we carry the weight of sin that rightfully needs to be turned over to God. That extra weight not only burdens us down, it creates a difficult, oppressive worship atmosphere.

Giving glory to God is not simply the outward act of praise and worship, but the process of inner confession and acknowledgement of our spiritual condition. Worship begins by being honest about who we. If we are totally honest with ourselves, and more importantly, with God, we are liberated to enjoy an unhindered worship experience.

True worship is not about covering up our sin, but liberating ourselves by exposing our sin to the only one who can provide forgiveness and restoration, God. 

Question to Ponder: What sin am I being burdened by that needs to be confessed to God so I can be liberated?  

“He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.”—Proverbs 28:13